Assalamualaikum & hi!
Well who miss me? :p
I realize that some of my blog readers and followers, have been reading my blog, ever since i'm not yet married! That's means, u read my blog, sejak i budak2 tau! Yang tulis merapu meraban tu tauuu!
Halah halaahhh thank u!!!
So lately, too many reviews, products etc etc.
I'm sorry about that, and sorry for not updating as often as before, about my life and my current situation...
I'm sorry about that, and sorry for not updating as often as before, about my life and my current situation...
So in this very post, I'll just be me, just like the old times, sharing thoughts, heart-to-heart, how 'bout that? Will u still read me?
Well Corona Virus has taken over our country, in fact, the whole world experiencing the same thing, the same fears, the same situation. So everyone been spending the whole times at home, right!
The authorities pun suruh #stayathome so just, do it!
I wont talk about Corona Virus as i'm not an expert & u can google all u want!
My advice is just #STAYATHOME & #janganketegaq
So basically this is the time to muhasabah diri doesn't it?
Well, death is certain! Ajal itu pasti, tapi we, pray for the best!
Kita doa banyak2 supaya dijauhkan dari wabak Covid-19 yang merbahaya ini, and tidaklah kita mati dengan cara sebegini.
Our family will be heart-broken, and we dont want that!
As for me, kita nak ramai mengiringi kita ke kubur, solat jenazah untuk kita.
Well, tak salah sekali2 kita bercakap pasal mati...
Asyik skincare jew, ahaks!
Activity during Quarantine Period
Well, i am a housewife & a STAY-AT-HOME mom.
So it doesnt make so much difference!
And, my online business is still on, so Alhamdulillah...
My activities are : Houseworks, blogging & social medias, and entertaining my cakes customers!
Just like any other days in my usual life.
It's just, no outing on weekend too, so i miss my mall touring sesh & cafe hunting! :p
I hope i still have the chance to dine out, hope all of us will be safe!
Amin amin...
(bukan amin jiran sebelah rumah u eh, ni tolong amin kan doa i ni!)
As for my son, he can play all day, and then do coloring, and we have to entertain him as well. Play together with him, since he's the only kid in this house!
I bought some new toys for him (from shopee), and plan to buy a few more for him, since the lockdown continues until 14th April.
(oh guys, if nak shopping kat shopee, go to my IG : @princesa3290 and use the link in my bio there to get to Shopee ♥)
My husband practice work-from-home during this lockdown, so during daytime on weekdays, he'll be at his work station.
And i'm so lucky that my entire family, and my parents are here too!
They came here one day before the lockdown, and stucked here :p
The good thing is, they dont have to worry about us, and we dont have to worry about them too.
And Rifqi won't be too bored 'cause many people can play with him!
And lastly, my cats, they're good.
Authorities didn't locked them down, but one of them lock themself inside my house,
Kelabu refuse to go out at all.
The biggest problem is, she doesnt want to eat cats foods...
All she wants are fish or chicken!
HEY! Habis stock makanan kitaorang yang lockdown ni!
I hope other working mothers, are doing great at home
(like we, homemaker used to)
And just appreciate this moment!
I'll write more! What kind of articles u want?
Movies (i'm an expert of girlish movies) , recipes, activities with kids, hauls during Covid-19?
Tell me! I hope my post make your day! ;)
See ya in another post! And ya, i have a few pending foodie posts, so stay tuned!
I wont talk about Corona Virus as i'm not an expert & u can google all u want!
My advice is just #STAYATHOME & #janganketegaq
So basically this is the time to muhasabah diri doesn't it?
Well, death is certain! Ajal itu pasti, tapi we, pray for the best!
Kita doa banyak2 supaya dijauhkan dari wabak Covid-19 yang merbahaya ini, and tidaklah kita mati dengan cara sebegini.
Our family will be heart-broken, and we dont want that!
As for me, kita nak ramai mengiringi kita ke kubur, solat jenazah untuk kita.
Well, tak salah sekali2 kita bercakap pasal mati...
Asyik skincare jew, ahaks!
Activity during Quarantine Period
Well, i am a housewife & a STAY-AT-HOME mom.
So it doesnt make so much difference!
And, my online business is still on, so Alhamdulillah...
My activities are : Houseworks, blogging & social medias, and entertaining my cakes customers!
Just like any other days in my usual life.
It's just, no outing on weekend too, so i miss my mall touring sesh & cafe hunting! :p
I hope i still have the chance to dine out, hope all of us will be safe!
Amin amin...
(bukan amin jiran sebelah rumah u eh, ni tolong amin kan doa i ni!)
As for my son, he can play all day, and then do coloring, and we have to entertain him as well. Play together with him, since he's the only kid in this house!
I bought some new toys for him (from shopee), and plan to buy a few more for him, since the lockdown continues until 14th April.
(oh guys, if nak shopping kat shopee, go to my IG : @princesa3290 and use the link in my bio there to get to Shopee ♥)
My husband practice work-from-home during this lockdown, so during daytime on weekdays, he'll be at his work station.
And i'm so lucky that my entire family, and my parents are here too!
They came here one day before the lockdown, and stucked here :p
The good thing is, they dont have to worry about us, and we dont have to worry about them too.
And Rifqi won't be too bored 'cause many people can play with him!
And lastly, my cats, they're good.
Authorities didn't locked them down, but one of them lock themself inside my house,
Kelabu refuse to go out at all.
The biggest problem is, she doesnt want to eat cats foods...
All she wants are fish or chicken!
HEY! Habis stock makanan kitaorang yang lockdown ni!
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Rifqi, with his new toys... |
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Ala boring la kena quarantine...! |
I hope other working mothers, are doing great at home
(like we, homemaker used to)
And just appreciate this moment!
I'll write more! What kind of articles u want?
Movies (i'm an expert of girlish movies) , recipes, activities with kids, hauls during Covid-19?
Tell me! I hope my post make your day! ;)
See ya in another post! And ya, i have a few pending foodie posts, so stay tuned!
di saat perintah kawalan ni, berada dengan yang tersayang adalah satu nikmat. kalau berjauhan mestulah risau kan. stay safe ya.
ReplyDeleteYaaa di saat genting macam ni, semua kena ikut arahan..ada event pun semua dah postponed, so takkan kita ni tak faham-faham kan huhuhu...
ReplyDelete#juststayathome #kitajagakita, but ya still ada yang degil dok luar dan lepak tanpa sebarang tujuan. Kita yang pergi kerja ni pun, sometimes ada singgah kedai beli barang keperluan, dah takut juga. Dalam hati doa dan sentiasa jaga kebersihan while kat luar.
ReplyDeleteTapi ye, dok rumah ni memang ada rasa bosan. Cuma kena pandai sibukkan diri dengan aktiviti di rumah.
Allah memberikan setiap keluarga prluang berhimpun dan menghargai masa bersama keluarga. Ada hikmah di sebalik setiap musibah!
ReplyDeleteMoga kita semua bersabar dan bertabah di kala ujian nan pelbagai masa MCO nie. Masa ni la kita nak menambahbaik diri dan keluarga kan
ReplyDeleteSama juga lah kita tak banyak update blog musim Covid ini sebab banyak yang dah cancel heheh tak apa Insha Allah ada rezeki lain yang dijanjikan tu nanti sabar ok heheheh.... Sama-sama stay at home ok..
ReplyDeleteMoga kita semua terus bersabar dan dapat lawan virus covid-19 ni
ReplyDeleteyeah jom kita stay at home dan sama-sama bersabar untuk kesenangan di kemudian hari
ReplyDeleteBersyukur semasa PKP ni ada bersama keluarga. Mereka juga sihat. Dengar cakap. Kadang-kadang kita yang stress sebab tak boleh terima keadaan tidak keluar. Kemudian resah sebab kes kematian meningkat. Solat dan berdoa. Mengaji Al-Quran je menenangkan diri saya. Semoga semuanya lekas pulih.
ReplyDeletelawanya bag riqi... i malas nak kira jumlah kematiaan... i tengok total recovery je Alhamdulillah masih ada sinar harapan tengok gayanya... semoga rakyat Malaysia tabah menjalani ujian wabak ni lagi satu kuatkan sistem imun.. thanks for sharing :) and boleh back to work secara normal dapat attend event lagi
ReplyDeleteAda hikmah juga sebalik kejadian..mana yang kurang luangkan masa bersama keluarga ni la msanya untuk sama2 bersama keluarga kan
ReplyDeleteyeee this is our time to muhasabah diri and fix sikit-sikit amal ibadat kita from time to time hehe
ReplyDeletebetul cakap akak tu, inilah masa untuk kita muhasabah diri. Ini juga masa yang sesuai untuk lebihkan masa bersama keluarga tersayang. mari kita patuh perintah kawalan pergerakkan dari kerajaan bersama. #kitajagakita