Well, my cuti is quite boring lar, kan... My brother's havin' exams, i habis cuti baru dier nak cuti, so x sama lar, so, x dpt lar pergi jalan2 ker, hihihi =pp
That's why weekend haritu, n bersamaan dgn cuti hari wesak, so we went for holiday, mula2 ingat kuantan, then up sikit, da sampai cherating, up sikit lagi, sampai terengganu terus...
And selingan sikit, tau tak our car buat hal odw there, da half way da okies! da sampai muadzam shah, kereta buat hal, hantar workshop n we went back home semula to take another car, which is my car my car ;) sbb nak back to that workshop bawa 2 kereta, so i drove one! ;) Best wooo, but bawa dekat jalan satu lane challenging wuhh! Best, n papa was behind me, so dgn confidentnyer, i potong kereta depan i, habis jer potong, immediately report sampai kan, terus papa call mama suruh cakap dkt i mcm ni3x kan(coz mama teman i), huish~ Tapi seriously, highway segamat-kuantan, jangan pandang ringan lar, tepi jalan berderet2 accidents... It hard to drive there, x macam highway kat KL ea!
Okies, so first day stay dekat Primula K.Terengganu, sampai da pukul 11pm+, have a late dinner at their coffee house there... The foods was okay2, not perfect!
late dinner
i only had sandwiches... tried to cut down some weight, lol...
Then 2nd day, we went to Taman Tamadun Islam, located dekat2 dgn Masjid Kristal Terengganu tu, masjid tu, mmg cantik... N Taman Tamadun Islam tu, mmg menambah ilmu pengetahuan am (ececeh)... ;p
And then the main reason we went to Terengganu sebenarnya to buy our baju raya, fyi, mama & papa mmg suker sgt sutera & songket terengganu i dont really know what's so special bout it... But yeah, mmg lar special kotz, hehehe... So, beli dekat kedai turun-temurun kami, since i was small beli kat situ, Atikah Songket...
N during the 2nd day, we stay at Awana Kijal, Kemaman, i yg nak sangat2, coz i love chinese foods here! So, dinner chinese foods lar kan @ Little Canton, Awana! ;)
at Primula Park Royal, K.Terengganu
ish2, xder keje lain ker budak ni

with replika2 of islamic buildings all around the world...
taj mahal
sorry, i cant remember all their names =p
these are just replicas
masjid kristal
Atikah Batik
Arriving at Awana...

squid with curry sauce
fried chicken with lemon sauce (my favourite!)
butter prawns
Beside these dishes, there are more! but no picutres! Sedapnye...
We also ordered steam fish, omellette, kailan etc!
Over sangat budak2 ni guna chopstick! :p
3rd day which is today, swimming kejap pagi2(not really pagi, 11 lebih) imagine how dark i am coz i forgot to apply sunblock (terhebat kan!), and having my breakfast sekali while swimming (coz pagi2 x mau bgn so x ikut my family go breakfast best =p but basically because i want to control my food intake, ececeh)... So, around 1pm check out lar kan! Then teruskan perjalanan, n masa sampai dungun tu, jumpa gerai buah-buahan, n beli berbagai2 jenis buah, n berhenti makan durian siap
mcm cool jer camera adik, papa, nak camera mcm adik! =p
yumm, my poolside breakfast =p
hawaiian pizza
p/s : well, tomorrow, i wanna continue with my "Happy & Love Forever", mau habiskan cepat2! ;)
Taw x masjid kristal tuh ade makluk halus. >:D
ReplyDeletehmm, x tau... =p