Monday, July 11, 2011

Roses Are Forever ~✿

ria 2011


Koleksi2 wedding decoration with roses!
*love* ;)


Flowers decoration from various country...

I have been so excited for Floria i'm actually keep on talking about it, to everyone, my parents, my only one, my brother, my friends...
So, here i am, Floria 2011... Thanks sayang sebab temankan saya ;)


Gardens ƸӜƷ


Masa kecik2 dulu, selalu i kene cubit dengan nenek sebelah mama, sebab suka petik bunga die! Alah, main pondok2 haruslah pakai bunga...
Kadang2 selitkan bunga kat telinga la...
Ala2 girlish gitu... Aww

The theme for this year is Rses Are Forever... But because we went there today, which is the third day of the event, so the roses are not that "forever" anymore... hmm~ Still some of the flowers are still fresh, but ada juga yang hampir menyembah bumi =p

memang dah berkilat2 muka duduk lama2 berjemur kat sini


*Beli bunga bang? ;p
Flowers with reasonable price!!! (dan2 reasonable, nak suh beli lettew! =p)

Fine dining
*see i'm with new flowers nampak x nampak x? ;p*

This pelamin semua orang nak snap and it is really BEAUTIFUL


Floria next year, i nak pergi lagi lah! ;)
I love flowers! I treasures the beauty...

p/s : banyak sangat gambar, nak letak dalam facebook, kang kene cemuh pulak, menggedik letak gambar dating satu lori kat fb kan! hihi! ;p So, just scrool it here yeah! ;)

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