Friday, September 11, 2009

Today, after accounting class, Tira sibuk sgt nak balik(org dah ddk dekat...)... So, to stop her from goin' back 1st, we heret her to Alamanda... 100+ excuses suruh dia don't go back 1st... haha... 

Today, Tira yang drive... So, lepas zuhur gitu, bertolak to alamanda... Main purpose, movieee... But, know what movie we're watchin'? Final Destination duh... X seram??? yeah, mmg x serem, but it too ganas, n i hate it... At first tu, certain2 scene jer cover2 muka, half the story, almost all scene, i din watch it... luckily ticket murah, student price duh... I swear, i dun wanna watch that kind of movie anymore... Kan it better to watch somethin' like chick flick movie ker, romantic movie ker, action ker, or at least animation... baru lar sound effect tu wont affect so much...hahah... 

Ok, before goin' to movie, goin' tp shopping first... E'spirit, well, try try baju lerr... yeah to find somethin's fit n nice... =) 
N then actually when we reach alamanda, straight pergi buat reservation at Chicken Rice Shop... So, we berbuka there lar...! My favourite normally, but takder selera lar tadi, i guess bcoz of berbuka terus minum pepsi kotz... tu lar, forgot to bring kurma... =(...

nice x? hihi...

see, siap dgn tag sekali...lolz

the foodsss...

~nur afifah md. shaifuddin~

~athirah ab.razak~

~nadiah aminuddin~



  1. perghhh lagu raya dah....
    takpe2 dah dekat dah...
    selamat hari 10 mlm terakhir ramadhan...
    raya nnt2 r dulu

  2. Olive Tree Guitar Ensemble : 谢谢。。。thank u for dropping by... U have a great blog too... seems it about chinese instrumental team...

  3. Aizuddin : mesti la lagu raya, kasi mood raya tu naik sikit... haha...
    selamat hari 10 malam terakhir ramadhan juga...
    pasal raya, raya nanti cerita... haha
