Selalu tengok orang buat quick update, teringin juga nak buat quick update... ehehehehe...
Ok first, saya da terlepas azab midterm exams & assignments (Phewwww~) ;p Tapi final exam is just 'round d corner! ;) Arghhh! Mine starting from 2oth
2o/09 - Internal Auditing
22/09 - Company Law
24/o9 - Professional Ethics
26/09 - Advanced Management Accounting
29/09 - Corporate Accounting 1
Midterm last baru je habis tadi! Advanced Management Accounting! Nyampah mak tau buat midterm lelambat camni! So tadi macam fuyoo release tension sattt, padahal final da dekatsss~
Ni kawan saya intan, die pelakon tapi gile sikit... Huahaha! =p
Ini lah libraryku, syurgaku. ;)
And yeayyy nak pergi open house bagai nanti!!! ;) Beraya2 sakan sekejap ok jugak! ;)
For the next whole week i hope i could make it, study all the chapters of the 5 subjects (nak mati!) Insyaallah! Harap2...
Nak bertapa la di library or di mana2 coz i easily get bored if keep on doing the same thing or being at the same place! Kene tukaq2 tmpt sikit, baru penuh ilmu di dada! (Padahal harem xstart lg! Pfttt! )
Ok first, saya da terlepas azab midterm exams & assignments (Phewwww~) ;p Tapi final exam is just 'round d corner! ;) Arghhh! Mine starting from 2oth
2o/09 - Internal Auditing
22/09 - Company Law
24/o9 - Professional Ethics
26/09 - Advanced Management Accounting
29/09 - Corporate Accounting 1
Midterm last baru je habis tadi! Advanced Management Accounting! Nyampah mak tau buat midterm lelambat camni! So tadi macam fuyoo release tension sattt, padahal final da dekatsss~

Ini lah libraryku, syurgaku. ;)
And yeayyy nak pergi open house bagai nanti!!! ;) Beraya2 sakan sekejap ok jugak! ;)
For the next whole week i hope i could make it, study all the chapters of the 5 subjects (nak mati!) Insyaallah! Harap2...
Nak bertapa la di library or di mana2 coz i easily get bored if keep on doing the same thing or being at the same place! Kene tukaq2 tmpt sikit, baru penuh ilmu di dada! (Padahal harem xstart lg! Pfttt! )
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