Just now, just finish with my another presentation, National Dance presentation... Ringan lagi satu beban! Thanks to Izza n all her Sakti's friends coz they help us a lotz! Like, really a lotz! From the steps, outfits, make-ups and all! Thanks!
So after done with it, i terus melepakkan diri di bilik Zaris... Besties kannn =pp Mcm biasa... Then lapar! Pastu ajak si geemah, mirrah p makan!!! Then jemput gee dekat library bump into anwar... Finally 4 of us, pergi makan kat Dapur Kami (again), and sambil makan, sambil borak!!! Terbaik punya... Really lama x hang out sama... This sem, semua accounting mates da buat account masing2 jer, xder consolidated, partnership lagi dah!!! =( *faham x? tu perumpamaan...* So mcm, sedih larrr... miss those old times...
And actually these few days ber-tension with assigments... So balik dari Dapur tu, xder parking so parking kat surau, then tau x, si mirrah ni cakap, bole panjat pagar jer! x payah jalan jauh2 sebab pintu mmg da tutup, juz tinggal pintu gate jer! jauh nak kena jalan! So panjat lar!

Phew! BEST GILER okies panjat pagar!!! =D Gee mula2 malas nk panjat, tapi terror rupa nyer, da lar first panjat! Mirrah pun skilled juga =p I'm so gonna do it again lar! and again! and again! ;) *Well, i've being naughty2 girl lately ;)* Perbghhhh best panjat pagar!!! Special thanks to Gee and especially CIKGU MIRRAH! ;) sebab asah bakat memanjat saya! =D
yg semangat nak panjat, saya, but yg takut nak turun, pun saya! need more practice lar!!!
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