Actually, know what is my exact purpose to go to watch this movie? I dont want to watch movie pun, but i teringin, mengidam nak makan pop corn from TGV cinema! not anywhere elses! Fuhh! Sedap!!! ;) Bangun drpd tidur after Broga, received text from geemah, ajak movie malam, i seperti orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal lar(cewah, berperibahasa)! =p Calling2 kawan2 yang berkenaan, tanya syafiq kereta kosong x, tanya mattop nak drive kereta x, al-maklumlah, kaki perlukan rehat (sebenarnya kaki da sakit x bole tahan, hiking kannn! ;)
(but i'm proud of myself juga lar about my stamina! hihihi! ;)
And lastly i & mattop naik dgn lana! thanks lana!
It weekend, and penat for the whole week! So go lar chilling2 sebentar, since i've been so stressed up with assignments and penat sedikit with event(sikit jer =p)...
The Last Airbender

For me, best giler kot movie ni... But orang2 yang pernah tengok Avatar will kill me for this statement, kan! haha! yes, i never watched avatar! So, for me, The Last Airbender, is very great! Sorry Avatar's lovers! ;P
I really like the movie! The surrounding was so nice! macam this movie captured every angle of the world! setiap penjuru ditayangkan!
Ok, that's all, bukan nak tulis review =)
Waiting for the next! Sambungan for The Last Airbender ni!
The Airbender!
For me, this guy is cute ;)
p/s : geemah, best juga window shopping dengan kamu, nanti kita shopping sesama ea! ;)
And lastly i & mattop naik dgn lana! thanks lana!
It weekend, and penat for the whole week! So go lar chilling2 sebentar, since i've been so stressed up with assignments and penat sedikit with event(sikit jer =p)...
The Last Airbender

For me, best giler kot movie ni... But orang2 yang pernah tengok Avatar will kill me for this statement, kan! haha! yes, i never watched avatar! So, for me, The Last Airbender, is very great! Sorry Avatar's lovers! ;P
I really like the movie! The surrounding was so nice! macam this movie captured every angle of the world! setiap penjuru ditayangkan!
Ok, that's all, bukan nak tulis review =)
Waiting for the next! Sambungan for The Last Airbender ni!

p/s : geemah, best juga window shopping dengan kamu, nanti kita shopping sesama ea! ;)
u should watch yang animation punyer...
ReplyDeletelagi best...
aku dislike statement tu!!
org kata anime punye way more better and sy pun xpenah tgk anime..
ReplyDeletetapi tgk movie ni ~ sbg org yg xpnah tgk anime ~ cite movie die amat bosan ~ pelakon die amat xsesuai utk watak2 tu ~ lakonan kaku ~ jalan cite yg terlalu drag buang masa ~ so conclusionnye ~ rugi duit ~ :p tp yg bestnye ~ mkn pop corn bersama ice lemon tea ~ hahaha
anyway fifa clue kte hari ni ialah ~ kte berjumpa semasa SRM vs Fire&Phlamze :p
AIZUDDIN : hahahahaha! tau da mesti kamu marah dgn statement tu... tau lar peminat avatar... hehe! nnti lar tgk cerita avatar tu! ;) jgn mara ea =p
ReplyDelete4613 : tipu, kata kalau jumpa nak tegur!
uik..ade kata ke kalo jumpa nk tego??? xingat pun..huhu.. segan nk tego.. (-_-')
ReplyDeletealar... xper lar xper lar...! segan? hahahahaha!