Okies! Wow, one whole week do not update! See, how busy i am, kan... But plish, dont stop reading my blog, if there's any reader lar kannn =p (perasan!)
Now, i'm gonna update the whole week story! My weekdays!!! Asal ader jer gambar baru, i upload sini! =D
Monday, WORLD CUP FINAL!!! early in the morning, around 2.30am, bangun dengan semangat! Pergi ke kedai mamak Nazmaju bersama Tika (well geng bola makin kurang kannn sekarang=p)
Tapi i saw ramai giler kotz org2 yg dikenali di situ! I saw SRM-nians, classmates jgn cerita lar! Tapi lelaki lar!!! =p
Then we watch it sambil i makan maggi goreng(sahur, esok kan nak puasa ;p)
anak2 dara yg x reti tidur malam mencari bola =p

In the morning, pergi ke 9am english class, see! cool kan! n for monday, class starts from 9am until 7pm, i'm proud of myself! hahaha! =))
Malam pula, we got a meeting, with SRM, harrr, n for the very first time, bergambar di SRM operation room ;)
Aniswarni (Honorary Treasurer)
Kamarul (VP programme)
org tgh pose sorang2 dia yg masuk! har, kan kepala da besar... =p
Shaniza & Syaza (Our excos/2 bestfirends*i guess)
yg buat peace tu, mantan presiden (da pandai juga guna mantan ;) yg lain x dikenal pasti... Yelar, org nak candid actually, dia pose! haha! =p
Then it comes to tuesday, class, banyak x banyak lar, bole lar... But tau x one thing for sure? I wish i dont have to attend Technology Management lecture! hahah! But for tutorial, better tau!
Wednesday, lagi best class sikit =) Plus, i think i understand better for both Management Accounting & FAR tutorial (konon lar kannn ;p) N tension batuk x elok2 lagi, makan ice-cream, it ice-cream day!!! Sedap, cornetto!!!
Though x dapat BR, it pink day for BR btw, but, cornetto pun bole! =p
ini geemah, kawan saya!
Thursday, bangun lar selewat yang mungkin coz my class gonna start at 2pm! Tech. Man. tutorial! Best selalu kena present jawapan dekat depan, case study baru nak baca dalam class. When lecturer tanya "u juz started to read ur case?" i jawab "kind of" =p nasib lecturer cool kannn... Pastu present2 dekat depan... Alar, confident jer sudah bab2 presentation ni! hahaha! kadang2 betul jer jawapan! ;p Then evening, national dance class, hancus hancus! Inang & zapin, mcm hapa2 jer!!! Entah larrr... =p And at night lama x jumpa zaris tika semua kan, so we had dinner together, di HB1, my favourite HB of all, sebab western food situ, sauce dier best! =)
Friday, hari ni lar tadi! Sebab semalam gossip di bilik zaris bersama zaris & aina sampai jam 4 rasa2 nya, so matahari da terpacak lar, baru tau nak bangun kan! Lunch di Saba' (omg, i'm hungreyyy now, and sedap lar, the chicken was so lembut!) And then i terus berusaha mencari journal for my tech management assignment! Penat ohh! And pastu have a meeting with my BTM groupmates petang tadi...
Malam, attend a meeting, then beli waffle jap for me & tika...
Lunch @ Saba'
SO, is this count as update? SANGAT kannnn, combo gitu!
Esok nak national dance practice lar! with classmates...
P/s: i geram dgn finance & One stop centre mmu! huh!
p/s :
*I wish i could use SRM OR tu for my dance practice tau, ader cermin besar, best! ni test next week ni =(
*Someone asking me bout paintball suddenly and tangan i gatal sangat nak main da ni =( bila2?
Malam pula, we got a meeting, with SRM, harrr, n for the very first time, bergambar di SRM operation room ;)

org tgh pose sorang2 dia yg masuk! har, kan kepala da besar... =p

Then it comes to tuesday, class, banyak x banyak lar, bole lar... But tau x one thing for sure? I wish i dont have to attend Technology Management lecture! hahah! But for tutorial, better tau!
Wednesday, lagi best class sikit =) Plus, i think i understand better for both Management Accounting & FAR tutorial (konon lar kannn ;p) N tension batuk x elok2 lagi, makan ice-cream, it ice-cream day!!! Sedap, cornetto!!!
Though x dapat BR, it pink day for BR btw, but, cornetto pun bole! =p

Thursday, bangun lar selewat yang mungkin coz my class gonna start at 2pm! Tech. Man. tutorial! Best selalu kena present jawapan dekat depan, case study baru nak baca dalam class. When lecturer tanya "u juz started to read ur case?" i jawab "kind of" =p nasib lecturer cool kannn... Pastu present2 dekat depan... Alar, confident jer sudah bab2 presentation ni! hahaha! kadang2 betul jer jawapan! ;p Then evening, national dance class, hancus hancus! Inang & zapin, mcm hapa2 jer!!! Entah larrr... =p And at night lama x jumpa zaris tika semua kan, so we had dinner together, di HB1, my favourite HB of all, sebab western food situ, sauce dier best! =)
Friday, hari ni lar tadi! Sebab semalam gossip di bilik zaris bersama zaris & aina sampai jam 4 rasa2 nya, so matahari da terpacak lar, baru tau nak bangun kan! Lunch di Saba' (omg, i'm hungreyyy now, and sedap lar, the chicken was so lembut!) And then i terus berusaha mencari journal for my tech management assignment! Penat ohh! And pastu have a meeting with my BTM groupmates petang tadi...
Malam, attend a meeting, then beli waffle jap for me & tika...

SO, is this count as update? SANGAT kannnn, combo gitu!
Esok nak national dance practice lar! with classmates...
P/s: i geram dgn finance & One stop centre mmu! huh!
p/s :
*I wish i could use SRM OR tu for my dance practice tau, ader cermin besar, best! ni test next week ni =(
*Someone asking me bout paintball suddenly and tangan i gatal sangat nak main da ni =( bila2?
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