Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pulp @ Bangsar

Another weekend with

This too, were last few weeks thingy!

One thing i wanna say, i had enough coffees! :p 
Been caffein overload for these past few years! :p
Maybe we should move on to tea or juices or ice-creams now, izzat??? 

#fotd, i'm wearing my favourite lipstick anyway!
 oh pose orang sebelah tu bonus sebenarnya, dia macam, "buy 1 free 1" thingy, macam yin & yang, kalau ada i yang cute, kena ada dia yang kurang cute :pp 

Chocolate Cake
RM 15

 His chicken pie
RM 12

RM 9 each

The coffees are great! The desserts are okay... but one thing, there's no wifi that day =.=
I'm not so sure whether that was temporary or...

We're in the middle of some discussion that day, hmmm~
With laptop somemore! Can't u see how important the discussion is?! :pp
i love laptop always. that's what i use for blogging! 
But too bad, since no wifi, discussion back to manual method! :p

So, last but not least, an OOTD of me! Lol :p

Overall, i'm loving the ambience, it cool, really cool, loves the coffees, but the cakes were average! :)


  1. Tak pernah dengar PULP. Nak try le nanti!

  2. I do recommend coffee societe..:)
    Cute guys in the picture..:p

  3. Azyyati : Yes, u can give it a shot for trying purpose, but it's not the best in town! ;) Yeah, coffee societe in publika is a good choice! :)

  4. Mohammad Izzat : apa yang cute nya?!
