Went to Sunway Pyramid, shopping with Gee & Tika today!!! N it fun to shop with them!!!
Shopping with me memang penat sebab saya x penat bila saya shopping betul2! So sorry lar sebab sampai kaki kita gigil da time balik tuuu... So kitaorang masuk kedai keluar kedai... till i gotta buy whatever i want! This is shopping raya so, it take times coz i have to shop quite a lot... And hey, now is sales, so go grab this opportunities now!!!(cewah gitu sekali!)
So masuk kedai jeans me & geemah, try jeans ni byk2 ni! ni yg best ni! Lepas tu time nak potong seluar tu(well, kami kan x berapa tinggi=p) ada abg handsome pula yg ukurkan! Mmg lar best! HAHA! n geemah, lepas ni bole lar pinjam2 ea, size kan dekat nak sama =p

akak tu dan2 time org nak snap time tu lar nk bercakap! ish!
N i also bought sedikit baju from everywhere... N that's all... Lepas maghrib kitaorg berbuka dekat The Chicken Rice Shop pula, coz mmg da reserve! Hmm, makan sampai licin as usual! Then sambung shopping sikit2, jalan2 + getting somemore foods, cupcake chics! mmg cupcake chics terbaik! Should really try!

Around 10pm+ baru gerak balik, then sent Geemah dekat SK jap! then balik, tidur! penat!
Photos before going back! hahas!
Gee & fifa

tika & fifa
Tika & gee
And girls, tika & gee, thanks sebab teman saya!!! Sayang korang lebih lar!
p/s : geemah, dpt juga shopping dgn kamu yer! AHAHA! ;p nnti shopping lagi! saya teman kamu!
Shopping with me memang penat sebab saya x penat bila saya shopping betul2! So sorry lar sebab sampai kaki kita gigil da time balik tuuu... So kitaorang masuk kedai keluar kedai... till i gotta buy whatever i want! This is shopping raya so, it take times coz i have to shop quite a lot... And hey, now is sales, so go grab this opportunities now!!!(cewah gitu sekali!)
So masuk kedai jeans me & geemah, try jeans ni byk2 ni! ni yg best ni! Lepas tu time nak potong seluar tu(well, kami kan x berapa tinggi=p) ada abg handsome pula yg ukurkan! Mmg lar best! HAHA! n geemah, lepas ni bole lar pinjam2 ea, size kan dekat nak sama =p

N i also bought sedikit baju from everywhere... N that's all... Lepas maghrib kitaorg berbuka dekat The Chicken Rice Shop pula, coz mmg da reserve! Hmm, makan sampai licin as usual! Then sambung shopping sikit2, jalan2 + getting somemore foods, cupcake chics! mmg cupcake chics terbaik! Should really try!

Around 10pm+ baru gerak balik, then sent Geemah dekat SK jap! then balik, tidur! penat!
Photos before going back! hahas!

And girls, tika & gee, thanks sebab teman saya!!! Sayang korang lebih lar!
p/s : geemah, dpt juga shopping dgn kamu yer! AHAHA! ;p nnti shopping lagi! saya teman kamu!
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