The day before yesterday(3rd August), chilling day...
I was thinking to wash my baby little car today, but but but, kedai cuci kereta murah da tutup! And saya nak pokai ni! So, then we stick to the next plan, teman kan geemah berbuka puasa! We headed to oldtown! And camwhore there! huahahahaha!

minum di OldTown!!!

Yesterday (4rd August)
hari ni petang, i go wash my car, kesian dier lama doh x mandi! So bagi dia mandi2 sikit! ;) We went to street mall and guess how much i have to pay for it?(x nak bagitau pun, kan da suruh guess, haha! =p) Then we went to Saba' tika nak beli juadah berbuka puasa nyer and then we went for minum petang secret recipe!
About assignments, saya macam orang gila memikirkan tentang assignment yang datang bagai ombak tsunami tiba2! I thought i have done all! First i've sent my part to my leader for BTM but then he said he doesnt receive my email, fine~ But everything is so last minute and i'm rasa mcm mau mati... Sending documents here and there, without complete stuffs needed, when the submission time is juz few hours away, mcm nak giler (bak kata orang, da giler ker)! x x, x giler, mcm jerrr... ;/

tengok betapa saya sayang kereta saya! =p (baru cuci kannn, saya mmg sama macam papa saya!)
saba' & secret recipe
Today (5th August)
tidur semalam awal sikit, 12am+, so bangun awalll juga 5am+ semuanya kerana? assignment... So i'm done with ND assignment & Tech Man., sila2 lar leader bertanggungjawab pula yer!
And as for tomorrow! i've made an appointment for our group to complete the interview with this company Visual Xtreme! And oh, ND test on Tuesday, so sudden! tiba2 jer cikgu cakap! ;) Buat lar hari lain! Org nak start puasa ni... ;)
I was thinking to wash my baby little car today, but but but, kedai cuci kereta murah da tutup! And saya nak pokai ni! So, then we stick to the next plan, teman kan geemah berbuka puasa! We headed to oldtown! And camwhore there! huahahahaha!

minum di OldTown!!!

Yesterday (4rd August)
hari ni petang, i go wash my car, kesian dier lama doh x mandi! So bagi dia mandi2 sikit! ;) We went to street mall and guess how much i have to pay for it?(x nak bagitau pun, kan da suruh guess, haha! =p) Then we went to Saba' tika nak beli juadah berbuka puasa nyer and then we went for minum petang secret recipe!
About assignments, saya macam orang gila memikirkan tentang assignment yang datang bagai ombak tsunami tiba2! I thought i have done all! First i've sent my part to my leader for BTM but then he said he doesnt receive my email, fine~ But everything is so last minute and i'm rasa mcm mau mati... Sending documents here and there, without complete stuffs needed, when the submission time is juz few hours away, mcm nak giler (bak kata orang, da giler ker)! x x, x giler, mcm jerrr... ;/

Today (5th August)
tidur semalam awal sikit, 12am+, so bangun awalll juga 5am+ semuanya kerana? assignment... So i'm done with ND assignment & Tech Man., sila2 lar leader bertanggungjawab pula yer!
And as for tomorrow! i've made an appointment for our group to complete the interview with this company Visual Xtreme! And oh, ND test on Tuesday, so sudden! tiba2 jer cikgu cakap! ;) Buat lar hari lain! Org nak start puasa ni... ;)
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