Monday, April 12, 2010

First thing first, about AF lar! Hmm, terkilan okies, aliff yang tersingkir... His performance entertaining okie! And his voice, cuba dengar live! Sedap giler tau!!! Haiz, dulu i don't like him, but now, allright2, i'm one of Aliff fan ok, hehe... Yelar, i like him coz i think he's humble, and tenang... Masa dier keluar tu, habis tenang da ok his face =D Hmm...


I'm quite in a good mood today~ =)
(money thingy, haha! =p)

And today we've become wonderpets okiesss...
Today before language class, we saw a cat ni, bising2 dekat atas air cond, so, da ready to be wonderpets dgn nadiah, to save the cat... Wonderpet, wonderpet, kami datang... =p
We went to this room sebab air-cond tu near to d room, an indian student's room, then try nak ambil kucing tu x sampai...
So, kitaorang pergi turun bawah, HB3, pinjam kerusi mak cik tu, then kami junjung kerusi itu agar kucing tu bole lompat, tapi kucing tu x tau tau juga macam mana nak turun, ish3x!
Then tiba2 one of my friend, eugene lalu, apa lagi i ask him to help us, since he's tall kan... At first, dia x nak, but setelah dipujuk, dipaksa, dia pun tolong.... And actually, he still not tall enough to save the cat, then dia gayut... Dia ambil kucing tu and dia kena cakar... Sorry3x! =( U are the wonderpet =p

And back from FAR class at 5pm pula, we saw ader orang jual rabbits, for their cyberp project...
So kitaorang pun singgah... hehe... And mirrah, siap beli seekor lagi okies! hee~ =p