Monday, August 17, 2009

Convofest Appreciation Dinner

So, juz now, juz back from ConvoFest Appreciation dinner... Actually the whole event, is quite boring, not like SCC dinner at Melaka dulu... ni, so so jer la... but okie anyway... 

So, dlm pukul 5pm somethin', papa & mama & adik sent me back to hostel after shopping sikit... OMG, hate that word, 'shopping'... whatever... So, mandi cepat2 n siap2 cepat2...

dalam proses bersiap...

Then tonight, we go there by tira's car... Actually kitaaorg sampai lambat sikit lar... event suppose to start around 8pm but we reached there around 8.30pm... ok lar tu... hihihi///

Then ader la perfomance, the performances were ok... The food? sederhana sgt2, what i'm trying to say is not that good lar... but luckily today i had no appetite... ahaha... then snappin' pictures? ader of course... n before goin' back tu snap banyak lagi... Then around 11pm+, we finally went back to hostel... daa~

love this pict...



ader cert...jgn jelous...

with florist friends,wan & nadirah


with one of d convofest high committee,zul