Friday, March 12, 2010

GUESS what...

Today kan, i'm still at home... And today pergi lar to our usual kedai cermin mata, coz last night check power it's increased, 100! Dulu 50 jer... So, besides tukar cermin, i've also bought another cermin! I'm so lovin' it! Well, kaca mata hitam(classic x bahasa), or sunglasses... hehe =p Time nak pilih tu, giler rambang mata!!!

rambang mata x?
And i know, that day baru beli kaca mata hitam right! alar, yang RM5 tu... =p but this time, bukan RM5 lar kotz, takkan asyik beli yang RM5 jer, nanti economy tak gerak, salahkan kitaorang juga kan! =p

choices... dari banyak macam ni...

till tinggal macam ni...
those left there is Bonia(white), GUESS(middle), CD(front)... So, my new glasses is one of these... GUESS which one is mine! haha =p

And for the very first time, i wear contact lenses, i decided to wear it because 1. i always left my glasses whenever i go out; 2. power rabun da naik; 3. it difficult when i'm driving coz i have to wear sunglasses untuk m'elakkan sinar UV(ececeh), so i can't really see the signboard(nanti sesat pula), and i don't really like transition lenses coz macam tak cantik jer for me... =p
Okie, that's why! =D

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