Sunday, February 5, 2017

My birthday dinner 2x17 : The Everly Hotel Putrajaya

Ok fine... I have to admit that i'm moving towards 3 series, in a few years i'll be thirty something (and hope i'm a mother of two by the time :p) hehehe...yang sorang pun tak terjaga... :p

Ok back to the birthday story... It happened that my parents were here on the day itself so they suggested us to just celebrate on the night itself...
They asked me to find a good place to dine, anywhere near or KL pun okay...
But malas punya pasal, i looked for places nearby and choosed The Everly... Takde orang, senang nak makan :p

My first birthday cake, celebration with my family... Thanks papa & mama...

Once we arrived, urm, one thing to know about this place, they have no valet parking... 
So parking sendiri k! 

And then we entered their restaurant, not so many people, yeayy! We choosed to sit by the window and we can see the swimming pool from here...

Flipping thru the menu, i choosed Carbonara, the most importantly, ada steamboat, so papa takde lah pening2 nak makan apa... Steamboat is his favourite~ 

Rifqi, cannot sit still, he's too bored... I gave him a bun, and he throw them under his chair... He throw his biscuit as well... =.=

Well in conclusion, The Everly Putrajaya is not the best option, but it not that bad as well... The foods was all good, really nice, just, the ambience...

So yeah, this year's birthday, i'm blessed with my lil one, i can never be more thankful... 
He's my precious gift...

Papa's steamboat... Enough for 4 people... Very worth it! The price is consider very cheap!

Hubs' chicken chop... Sorry gambar tak lawa...

Adik's Nasi Goreng...

My carbonara... Too creamy... but yummilicious...

Mama's steak... This one, cooked to perfection!

My family... And the new addtion to our family...

My little family... My manja son... :p

One with the woman who gave birth to me, raised me up, give everything that i need (and wants) ... :p

My beloved husband & baby...

The staff there suggested us to take photos here, she said alot of people do so...

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